
Showing posts from June, 2021


HOW EDUCATION IS POLITICAL? How is education political, when most parents, politician, and bureaucrats ask Students to be apolitical and concentrate on studies for a better future and job prospects. To answer this questions, let us focus on the political in education, which rests on four conditions:  1) school is always embedded in society because its task is to reproduce the cultural, social and economic Life of a particular society. 2) the inherent tension in education between social reproduction and social transformation. 3) that educational change is related to conflicts and disagreements between individuals and social groups regarding their views on how a good education is related to a good society; and  4) an ethical, informed discourse exists as to what questions to addressed.  In this way, the school becomes a reflection of state and society. Education's main purpose- Human enlightenment and liberation: to believe in the capability of all individuals